raw-data memdumps

Intel feeds on the cheap

February 3, 2019

What’s all this fuss about

This is the result of a never ending project that goes under the name of MalSilo.

Feeds here shared are provided on an ‘as is’ basis, enable automated blocking based on these indicators is not suggested if you don’t know what you are doing - you have been warned.

The system was publicly launched in 2019.02.03 and later updated to it’s 2.0 version on the 2020.01.27.

Which type of IOCs are we talking about?

Commodity infections, for which you get:

How many exports format do you provide?

Currently 7:

How fresh is the data?

At every run (twice per day) the latest 30 days are considered

Tracker status

Date Info
2019.12.20 2020.01.26 Core systems upgrade (HW / OS / Services[exports, and more])
2020.01.27 MalSilo 2.0, system back to normal operation + updated master-dump, ip-list and url-list formats + new domain-list export
2020.05.06 MalSilo 2.1, Suricata exports (ip, dns and url support)
2020.07.02 Suricata exports (ip, dns and url) bundled into a tar.gz pack

